TEDI Consulting

I am thrilled to introduce you to a venture that has been both an academic passion and a professional mission for me – TEDI Consulting. As many of you know, during my PhD research which is due to end in September 2024, I have immersed myself in the challenges and nuances of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in England’s Career Development sector.

Equity vs Equality: The Distinction

Before delving into TEDI Consulting’s offerings, I find it essential to clarify a key distinction we emphasise: Equity over Equality. While ‘equality’ implies giving everyone the same resources or opportunities, ‘equity’ emphasises ensuring everyone has the resources and opportunities they need to be successful. In the diverse landscapes of modern organisations, the ‘one size fits all’ approach of equality may not address the unique challenges faced by various groups. It’s this nuanced approach of equity, tailored to individual needs and challenges, that forms the backbone of our mission at TEDI Consulting.

The Foundation

TEDI Consulting is rooted in the Intersectional Equity Framework (IEF). This framework synergises the principles of four pivotal theories – Five Faces of Oppression, Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, and Institutional Theory. Together, they not only present a comprehensive understanding of inclusion but also drive organisations towards embracing true equity.

Our Approach

Our methodology at TEDI Consulting is marked by a detailed three-step process:

  1. Examining the Whole: Our journey begins with a questionnaire directed at an organisation’s entire workforce. This holistic approach allows us to understand the prevailing culture, hurdles, and potential areas of growth.
  2. Deep Dive with Underrepresented Groups: We further engage in detailed discussions with individuals from underrepresented groups. Their insights are invaluable in moulding a bespoke strategy that addresses unique challenges.
  3. Leadership Strategic Consulting: Armed with collective insights, we collaborate with leadership teams to craft and implement strategies that work towards breaking barriers and fostering an environment of genuine inclusion and equity.

Trials and Triumphs

I’ve had the privilege to trial this approach in diverse settings – within the career development sector in England, the Career Development Institute spanning the UK, in academia, and a charity where I had a governance role. The adaptability and efficacy of this approach across varying EDI layers have been heartening.


TEDI Consulting is not just about consultancy; it’s a transformative journey. Our commitment is to partner with organisations, offering tailored solutions that instigate a genuine culture shift. With flexible fee structures, ranging from hourly sessions to immersive full-day workshops, we strive to be accessible to organisations irrespective of their size or sector.

Closing Thoughts

TEDI Consulting symbolises hope for a future replete with genuine equity and inclusion. As we tread this path, I warmly invite you to join us in any capacity – be it as collaborators, partners, or the treasured community of readers that have been my pillar of support. Stay connected for more revelations, success stories, and illuminating insights from the EDI universe.

Get in touch with me at ifzashakoor@icloud.com or message me on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/ifza-shakoor

Here’s to forging a path of true equity!

Warm regards,


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