Episode 9: A Career in Careers – Trent Loader

In our last episode, we learned about Joanne Carrington’s career journey in England. Now in this ninth episode of our global career series, we venture all the way to Australia to meet Trent Loader, an experienced career development practitioner based in regional Victoria. With over 25 years in diverse roles, Trent offers invaluable insights and …

Reflections from the Society of Black Academics Conference

I recently had the privilege of attending the inaugural conference hosted by the University of Leicester’s Society of Black Academics. The conference brought together Black academics and professionals from across the UK to discuss challenges, strategies, and insights on achieving success in academia. The entire day had vibes of collective career coaching, with senior academics …

Radiation Roti: Unearthing Systemic Racism in Medical Research

The history of systemic racism is one that continues to cast a long shadow over nations around the world. The repercussions of past injustices often echo through time, disproportionately affecting ethnically diverse communities even in the present day. In recent news, the United Kingdom has been confronted with a painful chapter from the 1960s that …

An Open Letter to the Writer of “Tolerate Me for What I Am: A Colonial”

Dear Emeritus Professor, I hope this letter finds you well. I recently had the opportunity to read your commentary titled “Tolerate Me for What I Am: A Colonial.” This can be found here: https://www.timescolonist.com/opinion/comment-tolerate-me-for-what-i-am-a-colonial-7459582 Your words prompted me to reflect deeply on the complex and multifaceted issues that your piece brings to light. While your …

The Essence of Transformative Leadership: Amplifying Voices and Fostering Equity

In a world where leadership styles and approaches vary greatly, the concept of transformative leadership has emerged as a powerful force that not only promotes growth and progress but also cultivates an environment where every individual’s voice is valued and heard. This is beautifully encapsulated in the poignant quote by Andy Stanley, which emphasises the …

Guest Blog: Catrina Holmes

Hi all – it’s Catrina here. I am an associate assessor/trainer for the CDI and I am currently in the process of recruiting participants for my MA Career Development research project below 👇 Awareness of perimenopause and associated impacts among career development practitioners working with this client group. Are you a career development practitioner who …

Navigating Identity and Belonging as British Asians: Our Right to Call This Land Home – Being British, English, Asian or All, Some, or Neither of These?

A recent Twitter debate between broadcaster Adil Ray and another user over Ray’s proclamation of his English identity sparked important questions about the complexities of identity and belonging for British Asians today. This discussion arises in the context of Britain’s colonial history and its lingering impacts on concepts of Britishness and Englishness in our multiethnic …

Racism in War: Unveiling the Plight of South Asians

This is the second post in my series on South Asia during South Asian Heritage Month. The theme for 2023 is stories to be told. Who is telling the stories of the plights of South Asians falling prey to structural and systemic racism, often losing their lives due to corruption/war/ethnic cleansing in our home countries …

Understanding the Impact of Migration: Stories of the South Asian Diaspora – South Asian Heritage Month

Migration is a powerful force that has shaped the world we live in today. It has connected people, cultures, and histories in ways that are both beautiful and complex. As part of the global majority, many of us from South Asian backgrounds have personal stories that trace back to the colonial era and the consequences …

Revisiting Decolonising Methodologies: A Foundation for Research in the Post-Colonial Era

As a PhD researcher using a decolonising research lens, I have found Linda Tuhiwai Smith’s seminal work, “Decolonising Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples”, to be an indispensable tool in the research arsenal of anyone studying the intersection of Indigenous studies, post-colonialism, and methodology. Published in 1999, this book remains a critical reference point more than …

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