
Caffeine is my kryptonite! 💪🏽🔋

An Introduction to Doctoring a Career

All about me

Hi there, my name is Ifza and…well it’s actually harder introducing myself than I thought. I could tell you that I’m a mother of three children aged 3, 5, and 9, I’m a doctoral student and my interests lie in social justice, tackling oppression and creating a more equitable world. That’s a large part of who I am. Another part of me is this spontaneous, impulsive, fun inner-child that lives in me and likes to share my ramblings to whoever will listen. One of my talents are that I can create meaningful conversation (erm, well I think it’s meaningful [gulp!]…) with almost anyone. Since my family and friends do not understand much of what I do, I’m going to be sharing my work, ideas, and the latest rabbit holes I’m falling into on here!

My PhD study is based around diversifying the career development sector in England. Currently, there is a lack of diversity in terms of colour, gender, age, culture, and race and my research is focused on exploring why this is, what can be done, and how to move forward and create change. To me, this research is hugely important as it has a knock-on effect on young people and their career choices, the economy, social justice and creating an equitable society. My aim is to share more information about this through this blog.


Welcome to my blog, where I share my thoughts, feelings and experiences as a doctoral student at the International Centre of Guidance Studies(ICeGS) at the University of Derby.

The mandatory disclaimer… Please note that all views are my own and not those of my institution or any of my affiliates.

Welcome aboard!

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