In the latest instalment of A Career in Career series, we journey to Karachi, Pakistan, to meet Raza Abbas – a distinguished Global Career Practitioner with 17.6 years of experience in the field. Raza’s journey is a testament to his unwavering commitment to career development, capacity development, and fostering hope among youth in Pakistan and beyond.

This is the third international episode in our global series, where we’ve had the privilege of delving into the inspiring careers of professionals making a significant impact on a global scale.


Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male
Location: Karachi, Pakistan

Education & Expertise

Qualifications: Dual Degrees in Business Administration and Communication

Arizona Blue Chip Graduate- 4 Year Leadership Development Program 

Areas of Expertise:

  • Capacity development of teachers, counsellors, and youth in career counselling, career development, career readiness, social justice, employability, entrepreneurship.
  • Fostering innovative career thinking dialogues with parents and children in grades 8-12.
  • Career coaching and workforce development coaching for students, recent graduates, aspiring entrepreneurs, employees.
  • Consulting in developing career development centres from inception to execution.
  • Evidence-based hope capacity development for teachers, students, parents, employees.
  • Collective advocacy for the global careers sector with stakeholders currently involved in a working committee to advocate for a UN – Careers & Livelihood Day.

Institutions Attended: The University of Arizona, USA

Career Path

Raza’s career journey began during his college years at The University of Arizona, where he volunteered at the Career Services Centre. He recalls, “It gave me immense purpose and joy to facilitate individual and group career development coaching sessions, assist in our annual university career fairs, and facilitate career development workshops for domestic students and international students from 100+ countries on campus.”

Upon graduating, he returned to Pakistan in 2006 with a thirst for knowledge and a mission to bring global career development practices to his home country. Raza shares, “I started my career journey with a beginner’s mindset, proactively identifying premier global career development forums.” 

His mission led him to present on meaningful inclusive career development interventions in South Asia at annual International Career Development conferences & symposia across the globe. In Pakistan, Raza initiated innovative career development interventions at various educational institutions, foundations, NGO’s, international development, and government ministries. He reflects, “In the process of continuous learning and client service, I contributed to and initiated many innovative career development interventions at schools, colleges, universities, vocational institutes, foundations, NGO’s, Business Incubation Centres, Government Ministries of Youth and Education, International Development, Corporate sector.”

Raza inspiring high school students on university career exploration

Challenges and Successes

Working in a developing country presented Raza with numerous challenges, including fragile economy, funding limitations, and a lack of trained human resources in the career sector. Raza shares, “When funding was a challenge, I collaborated with philanthropists and notable community mobilisers to invest in our youth development.”

Raza’s commitment to continuous improvement and staying updated with global trends led him to present at international conferences. He explains, “I believe in continuous improvement and being updated with the current trends in the career sector.” When faced with travel funding challenges, he adapted by presenting virtually, displaying resilience and optimism.

His successes are profound, measured by his ability to inspire inclusive humanity. Raza humbly shares, “Being able to inspire inclusive humanity irrespective of race, class, colour, age, religion, disability, and gender around the globe contributes to collective success.” 

He has been recognised globally, receiving awards such as the International Career Practitioner Award from the National Career Development Association (NCDA) in 2019 and the Outstanding Career Practitioner Award from the Asia Pacific Career Development Association in 2017.  He was selected for the UN high-level meeting on peace-building and sustaining peace and UNESCO’s flagship entrepreneurship education meeting in Asia.

Well done, Raza!!

Raza earned the eminent NCDA International Practitioner Award 2019

Personal Motivation and Work Philosophy

Raza’s motivation is rooted in his belief that timely career guidance can transform families towards better livelihoods. He passionately asserts, “Providing timely career guidance at an early age will transform a family towards a better livelihood it is much needed.”

Reflecting on his highlight reel, Raza mentions being profiled in the global best-seller ‘The World Book of Hope’ and conducting impactful training sessions for Masters Career Educators from marginalised communities.

His work philosophy is simple yet profound: “Integrity, inclusion-based practice, hope, continuous improvement.”

Industry Outlook and Advice

Looking ahead, Raza envisions a pivotal role for career development in today’s fragile world. He states, “I believe we are at the crossroads of reigniting career development as a game-changer in these fragile times.” He advocates for a UN Careers & Livelihood Day, promoting career development as a catalyst for change. Raza’s message is “Be bold and take- action now by advocating and sign the petition:

Raza’s key learning points emphasise hope, self-motivation, and resilience. For those new to the field, he advises, “Adapt a growth mindset, continuous improvement, focus on greater collective synergy, cooperation, and co-creation are the need of the hour.”

Favourite Career Theory

Raza’s favourite career theory is the Happenstance Theory. 

(Planned Happenstance Theory is a career development theory that encourages individuals to embrace uncertainty and unpredictability in their career journeys. It suggests that rather than meticulously planning every step of their careers, individuals can benefit from being open to unexpected opportunities and experiences).

Role Models or Influences

When asked about role models or significant influences, Raza humbly mentions that there are too many to single out, as he learns from everyone.


  • He was recently elected as one of the International Board of Directors of IAEVG 
  • Serves on the Editorial Board of Career Guidance & Social Justice Blog
  • Served as the 1st Country Director-Pakistan-APCDA
  • Served as Director-Pakistan-ARACD

Advocating for Career Guidance & Career Development in Covid Pandemic

To ensure career guidance and career development remains on the spotlight in the pandemic he initiated a youtube channel and interviewed leading career experts from around the globe. This is the link to the career conversations:

A Day in the Life

Raza’s typical workday varies based on projects, having 4-6 zoom/in person sessions with clients per day reflecting the dynamic nature of his career.


To encapsulate his experience, Raza shares some parting quotes:

“I practice and advocate the notion that career development is a civic right for people around the globe.”

“Career development interventions must start early in schools to ensure they have a sustainable impact, and must be integrated into the school curriculum.”

“The role of social media and electronic media is key in educating and enlightening society at large about the increasing significance of career development and how it contributes to employability, well-being, and job creation.”

Advice to Others and Looking Ahead

To those pursuing a similar career path, Raza emphasises that it is meaningful but requires endurance, self-belief, cultural intelligence and collaboration with allies nationally and globally. He describes it as a “peace-corps lived experience” and encourages individuals to “go the distance to make a difference.” He is open to opportunities in new regions.  

Looking ahead, Raza’s vision is clear – Let’s make the world better though championing career development in a world that sorely needs more it and making the world a better place through collective advocacy. 

Raza’s email:


These stories are needed to increase visibility and showcase the talent in the career development sector. By sharing these remarkable journeys, we aim to inspire others, foster collaboration, and highlight the critical role career practitioners play in shaping the future of individuals and communities.

Stay tuned for our next episode, where we’ll travel back to England to hear from Joanne Carrington from Hertfordshire, who works for Morrisby. Another fascinating career story awaits! 

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