Our journey into the world of career development/guidance just got more exciting! It all started when I met Dimitrios Sampsonidis in Denmark during the ECADOC Summer School. Dimitrios, a passionate Career Counsellor from Greece, at the start of his doctoral journey and I, nearing the end of my doctoral studies in career development, instantly connected over our shared interest for this global sector.

This chance meeting inspired us to team up and bring you a truly global outlook on career development. Dimitrios’ story in Episode 5 shows how career guidance knows no borders and unites professionals worldwide.

In this episode, A Career in Careers heads to Greece to explore Dimitrios’ incredible journey, fuelled by his love for HR, a wide range of interests, and helping people with their careers. It’s a story that highlights the importance of career development for everyone, no matter where you are.

Dimitrios Sampsonidis, a dedicated Career Counsellor, channels his passion for HR and organisational psychology into reshaping the future of students. “My journey began with a love for literature,” he reminisces, “leading me to the field of career guidance, where I realised the profound impact of multiple interests in one’s life.”

Dimitrios receiving an award from the Mayor of Chersonisson, his birthplace due to his contribution to the career guidance of children.

Name: Dimitrios Sampsonidis

Background: White, Male, Heraklion City, Greece

Current Job Title and Organisation: Career Counsellor at the University of Crete

Years of Experience: 2

Background: White, Male, Greece (Heraklion City)

Current Job Title and Organisation: Career Counsellor at the University of Crete


  • B.Sc. in English Literature from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • MA in Career Counselling and Guidance from European University Cyprus

Areas of Expertise: “My passion lies in creating unforgettable career events, helping individuals dive into their varied interests, and emphasising the value of polymathy in today’s world.”

A polymath is a person who possesses expertise or knowledge in a wide range of different subjects or fields. Instead of specialising in just one area, a polymath excels in multiple disciplines. They are often highly intelligent, curious, and have a passion for learning, allowing them to accumulate knowledge and skills across various domains.

Dimitrios’ podcast – called ‘Build a Career’ written in Greek
Dimitrios speaking about career guidance to a Lt. General in the Greek Army

Career Path: Dimitrios’s academic journey began with English Literature, leading him to become an English teacher. However, his fascination with human behaviour and organisational psychology led him to the world of career counselling. Dimitrios shares, “I saw the beauty in guiding individuals, especially in the higher education realm, bridging the transition to the labour market.”

Career Turning Point: While embracing his role as the sole career guide at the Technical University of Crete, Dimitrios realised the vast scope of the profession. He says, “I was alone, charting unexplored territories. But Europe came to my rescue. Networking with experienced peers across the continent, I gathered invaluable tools and techniques.”

In Dimitrios’s own words – his polymath self – showcasing his multiple passions.

Challenges and Overcoming Them: Navigating his role without mentors or on-the-job training was challenging. Dimitrios says, “But with the vast resources online, especially podcasts and videos, I empowered myself. Finding solidarity with international colleagues was my beacon.”

Volunteering in supporting with the floods in his municipality in Greece

Personal Motivation: A passion for HR, combined with the joy of witnessing the transformative journey of a client with mental health struggles, cemented Dimitrios’ path. He shares, “Seeing them regain hope and joy was a pivotal moment for me.”

The motto and message Dimitrios wants to share with the world – agree with this – work plays a huge part of our daily life, it should be meaningful and enjoyable.

Work Philosophy: “Promote the exploration of varied career interests and amplify the idea of polymathy. Everyone has multiple passions; the trick is to discover and nurture them.”

Role Models or Influences: Dr. Andronikos Kalliris, a researcher and career counsellor, has been a guiding light for Dimitrios. Sharing the name with his late father added a personal touch to this professional inspiration.

A Day in the Life: Having 4-6 sessions with clients per day in my morning job. In the in-between, working on projects such as workshops, career days, expanding networking relationships with companies and HR executives.

Industry Outlook: Dimitrios is optimistic. “Greece is witnessing a surge in the field, with the government recognising its value. The potential is immense, especially for younger students.”

Favourite Careers Theories: Holland’s theory of interests is my favourite since based on these the Polymath theory that people with multiple passions do exist and can be successful in life and explore their creativity.

Top Tips for New CDPs: “Immerse yourself in digital resources. The plethora of insights on platforms like YouTube and podcasts is a goldmine.”

Advice to Others: “Embrace the path of a career practitioner. It’s filled with rewards and responsibilities. Being well-versed in your target group’s needs is paramount for a successful career in our field.”

Looking Ahead: The academic realm beckons as Dimitrios delves into his Ph.D. journey. He’s curious about the potential crossroads between practitioner and researcher roles.

Quotes: 🎙️ Dimitrios conveys, “Exploring multiple passions and interests and developing a variety of skills can be as rewarding as early specialization.”

Dimitrios’ narrative celebrates the beauty of multifaceted interests and the power of guidance. His devotion to polymathy shines a light on the infinite potential within each individual. 

Stay tuned for another captivating journey in Episode 6 with Fiona Morris from Fife, Scotland. The ‘A Career in Careers’ series keeps getting more exciting! 🔮 Don’t miss it! #ACareerInCareers #CareerDevelopment #DoctoringACareer #Inspiration

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