Lis McGuire is more than a seasoned career development professional. She’s a beacon of hope, an unending well of creativity, and a compassionate guide leading people out of life’s mazes. With over two decades of experience, a rich background in ancient history, and a profound understanding of the complex interplay between personal life and career, Lis has become a symbol of empowerment. Founder of Sunrise Career Guidance and creator of Shape of Career cards, which can be accessed here
Lis McGuire turns passion into purpose every single day.

Lis McGuire, a Registered Career Development Professional (RCDP) and the founder of Sunrise Career Guidance, combines her professional wisdom and personal passions in the career development field. “My journey began as a love for history,” she recalls, “and then evolved into a calling to help others shape their career paths.”

Name: Lis McGuire

Background: White, Female, Maidstone, Kent

Current Job Title and Organisation: Registered Career Development Professional (RCDP)

Years of Experience: 5

Education: BA (Hons) Ancient History and Archaeology, University of Liverpool

Qualifications: MA Career Management, QCG Level 7 both from Canterbury Christ Church University

Areas of Expertise: “I thrive on designing and facilitating career education workshops and group career guidance. My interest in CV writing and LinkedIn profile development stems from my desire to see individuals succeed in their chosen paths.”

Career Path

Lis’s career began unexpectedly with an Ancient History and Archaeology degree. “I was the first person in my family to go to university, and my choice of course was more by accident than anything. Yet, it worked out well. I loved delving into Greek mythology and Egyptian burial practices. It seemed to prepare me for the diversity of human experience I’d encounter in my career.”

Her entry into the world of career development started with a role in marketing and administration, followed by a proposal manager at a global engineering company. The inception of her business as a CV writer coincided with the birth of her first son. Lis reflects, “Starting my own business was a turning point, one of the best career moves I’ve ever made. It’s been a journey of growth and discovery.”

The decision to dive deeper into career guidance and coaching came after an enlightening encounter with a client. “This person needed more help than I could give. It was a wake-up call. People needed more than just a CV. They needed to find their reason, what they wanted, and what mattered. It was time for me to know more.”

Career Turning Point

A generous gift from Lis’s Grannie set her on the path of further education. The money she invested in her training unlocked new horizons. “Fast forward a few years, I found a course at Canterbury Christ Church University that just clicked. It helped me progress, and the community I connected with became a continuous source of support.”

Challenges and Overcoming Them

“One of my biggest challenges comes from self-employment. The anxiety over the next piece of work is something I still grapple with. But here I am, 20+ years on, learning to trust that more will come as long as I deliver my best.”

Successes and Achievements

Lis takes pride in her multi-faceted role, working in schools, charities, and with private clients. The creation of the “Shape of Career” card sort resource is a recent achievement, aimed at challenging outdated perceptions of career.

Personal Motivation

“I’m passionate about helping people move beyond difficulties. I see career development as a glass elevator out of constraining situations. Education, training, and exploration can transform lives.”

Work Philosophy

Courage defines Lis’s approach. “I strive to be courageous, even if I’m terrified. I say yes, I push myself, and then I’m pleased I’ve done it.”

Role Models or Influences

Lis’s mother remains an influential figure. “She gained her qualifications before my very eyes, fought for my education, and never stopped pursuing her dreams. She taught me to blow up that opportunity structure and create a new one.”

A Day in the Life

“No two days are alike. From career guidance in schools to designing workshops and shipping ‘Shape of Career’ cards, every day is a new adventure.”

Industry Outlook

“I’m optimistic about the future of the career development sector. We are moving towards greater diversity and inclusivity, reflecting the rich tapestry of our society.”

Favourite Careers Theories

Lis values theories like careership and Chaos Theory, appreciating the nuances and unpredictabilities of career development.

Top Tips for New CDPs

“Try on different parts of the sector for size and leverage the incredible network of CDPs. Their support can make all the difference.”

Advice to Others

“Go for it, it’s amazing. You’ll never be bored, you’re always learning, and you’re making a difference every day.”

Looking Ahead

Lis has big plans for the “Shape of Career” cards and is keen on exploring specialisations in her work. “I love the variety, but I’m curious about where it will lead me.”


“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves” – Sir Edmund Hillary; “Change is the only constant in life” – Heraclitus; “Comparison is the thief of joy” – Theodore Roosevelt.

Lis’s journey is a testament to her courage, creativity, and compassion. Her story resonates with a commitment to continuous learning and a profound desire to make a meaningful difference in others’ lives. Her innovative approach and reflective insights offer valuable lessons and inspiration for anyone in the career development profession. Her voice, filled with warmth and wisdom, invites us to consider our own career paths with fresh eyes and an open heart.
Join us in episode 5 of A Career in Careers where we take a trip around the world with the next episode! It will be a good one!

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