The Ultimate PhD Survival Guide, Part 2

In the last blog post, I put together some pointers. This blog post adds some more to the list. At this point, I feel like the TikTok lady with the list on all the reasons why you shouldn’t have a baby. They’re whacky, hilarious and kinda outlandish. Okay , not a good comparison, as I’m offering guidance but IYKYK 🤪🤪 my point being her list just gets bigger and bigger.

Okay, moving on

As a PhD student, the journey can be overwhelming to navigate with the various resources and tasks involved. But fear not, my fellow PhD students, colleagues and peers, for here are some additional points to consider that can help you thrive in your PhD journey. This blog post will cover everything from finding support outside of academia, staying on top of the literature, to getting some much-needed rest.

Keep on top of relevant literature to your field
More isn’t always better. Learn to read efficiently and work out what works for you. Read to soak in knowledge and critically examine sources. Follow the literature. Who has cited it? What literature has the author build their text upon? Critically evaluate all the readings you come across in academia.

Pointers are below after the gifs. Idk why WordPress formatted the list weirdly, so I can’t put gifs in between.
My fav phrase when I was younger was the poor workman blames his tools. Totally not doing that now! Workwoman, workperson. W.E you get the gist

Tips and Resources:

Random fact: My youngest brother was obsessed with SpongeBob SquarePants when we were growing up. I absolutely detested this cartoon
Get some friends outside of academic and go chill! Or in academia! You need a good network around you
  1. Find Your Support Network: Your supervisor and academic colleagues are important, but it’s crucial to have a support system outside of academia. This can include family, friends, or mental health professionals who can offer emotional support and help you maintain a healthy work-life balance. Step away from academia from time to time and come back with a fresh head.
  2. Keep a Research Journal: Document your research process, ideas, and reflections in a journal. This can help you stay organised and make it easier to write up your findings later on.
  3. Attend Workshops and Training Sessions: Many universities offer workshops and training sessions on topics such as academic writing, data analysis, and presentation skills. Taking advantage of these opportunities can help you develop valuable skills and connect with other researchers.
  4. Stay on Top of the Literature: It’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest research in your field. Set up alerts for relevant journals and conferences, and consider joining a reading group or journal club to discuss current topics with peers.
  5. Practice Self-care: It’s easy to get caught up in the demands of your research, but taking care of yourself should always be a priority. Make time for exercise, hobbies, and relaxation to prevent burnout and maintain your mental health.
  6. Consider Collaboration: Collaborating with other researchers or research groups can provide valuable insights and help you tackle complex problems. Look for opportunities to collaborate with colleagues in your department or in other institutions.
  7. Seek Out Feedback: It’s essential to seek feedback from your supervisor, peers, colleagues, and mentors. It can help you get a fresh perspective on your work and identify areas for improvement.
  8. Sleep Well: Establish a regular sleep schedule, limit caffeine and alcohol intake, and avoid using electronic devices before bedtime. Quality sleep is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health.
  9. Remember to Switch Off: Make time for activities that you enjoy, such as reading, walking, or watching TV. A change of scenery can do wonders for your mental health.
  10. Calm Your Mind: Try writing down your thoughts in a notebook or notes app before bedtime. This can help you process your thoughts and put them aside for the night.
  11. Pray or Meditate : Prayer/Meditation is a great way to calm your mind and reduce stress. If you’re religious, use prayer to lighten your mind. If you’re less religious or not religious, it may be worth exploring meditation. There are plenty of apps and online resources available to help you get started.
  12. Practice Gratitude: Take a few moments each day to write down three things that you’re thankful for. This can be as simple as having a good cup of coffee or seeing a friend for lunch.
  13. Take a Break: Make time for a holiday, a day off, or a fun activity to break up your research routine. You’ll come back to your work refreshed and re-energised.
  14. Be genuine, but keep some things filtered: know your audience. This is such an important tip – be yourself, but don’t be offensive/too open. My top tip is to watch TikTok self-awareness videos and brush up on your skills of how self-aware you are. Your peers don’t need to know personal details or anything you wouldn’t want out in the public platform.
Alhumdulillah always – this just means Thank you ‎الله and as Muslims, we believe when we send thanks to God, He will give us more goodness and blessings
If you don’t ask, you don’t get. Seek out opportunities for collaboration – the worst you can get is a no. It’s good prep for publishing and reviewer 2 🐸☕️
This is trippy! 😅 open your mind and be open to feedback, guidance, new ways of doing things and learning. Remember your way isn’t always the best way. It very well could be, but probably not always.
Sleeping like a baby – anyone ever thought about rethinking the phrase? Each of my babies slept terribly.

By implementing these tips and resources, you can set yourself up for success and make the most of your PhD journey. Remember to stay open-minded, seek out support when needed, and prioritise your own well-being throughout the process. So, get some sleep, collaborate, write down your thoughts, and take a break or two – your PhD journey will thank you for it!

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